Background Check Form for Volunteers
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Keeping our kids safe is a top priority. To help ensure this safety, background screens for volunteers are a necessity.
Electronic Giving Authorization Form
Now you can easily contribute your First United Methodist Church donation electronically through Direct Debit. You don’t have to change your present banking relationship to take advantage of this secure service.
Facility Use or Rental Form
This form is required for all facility rentals and all church sponsored meetings/events that are not submitted directly through CCB. Church Sponsored Groups should submit their recurring meeting dates on an annual basis for review by the Board of Trustees at their November meeting for the following calendar year, including the dates the group will NOT use the facility (i.e. the summer, etc.).
Promotions Request Package
The mission of our promotions team at FUMC is to partner with our staff, ministry & group leaders, church family, and community as they live out their faith. As a ministry team or group leader with an upcoming event, fundraiser, etc., you will need to submit an event request for our calendar and resource scheduling. Once your event has been approved and FUMC needs to through any of our communication channels, please complete this form.